President of the CEOI2012
Main Organizer
Honorary Patron
- Rózsa Hoffmann, The Minister of State for Education
- László Kozma , Eötvös Loránd University, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics
Scientific Committee
- Gyula Horváth (chair)
- Miklós Danka
- Dániel Korándi
- Ágoston Weisz
- István Papp
- Antal Sándor
Organizing Committee
- László Zsakó (chair)
- Éva Barsi (co-chair)
- Gabriella Aranyosné V. (secretary)
- Árpád Ádám
- Attila Horváth
- István Takács
Editorial Board
- Péter Szlávi (chief editor)
- Andor Abonyi-Tóth
- Ibolya Horváthné Kurucz
- Piroska Lénárt
- Lászlóné Zsakó
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